Scottish Field Magazine
I was thrilled to feature in the Scottish Field Magazine for a second time. This time it was all about books that have influenced my writing career and books I enjoy as a reader.
Author Pauline Tait on the influence of American writer Nora Roberts in helping her believe she could write in two very different genres.
The first book I remember reading:
As a young child, I remember reading The Princess and the Frog. It was often my bedtime read, and I still have my slightly tattered but much-loved copy. As I got older and was introduced to chapter books, I was given a copy of the first book in the Nancy Drew mystery series, The Secret of the Old Clock. A few pages in, and I was hooked, eventually working my way through the series. The love of a good mystery has stayed with me. I’m sure the series has influenced my reading choices as an adult and the genre I have chosen to write in.
A book I recommend to everyone:
I often recommend Lee Child’s Jack Reacher series. I love his fast-paced, no-nonsense style of writing. He leads his readers through his complicated plots with ease. And for those who, like me, love a memoir where the author has triumphed over adversity, Just a Little Run Around the World by Rosie Swale Pope, is an inspiring read.
You can read the article in full here.