Launch Event in Waterstones Perth for Abigail Returns – A suspenseful mystery that’s not short on romance
The 2nd of June saw a family, friends and books lovers alike gathering in Waterstones Perth for the launch of Abigail Returns.
I was beyond thrilled that Waterstones hosted the event and just as thrilled to see everyone who came along including those who started out being supporters of both genres of my writing and have now become friends.
Kept informal, we chatted over a drink and enjoyed book talk until it was time for the doors to close.
A massive thank you to manager Nick, Ewan and the rest of the team at Waterstones Perth for another fantastic launch!
Abigail Returns was officially launched in Waterstones Perth on the 2nd of June.
Described as a suspenseful mystery that’s not short on romance, this first in series has been gathering fantastic reviews and commonly described as impossible to put down…
Abigail Returns – The blurb…
With just over a decade missing to Dissociative Amnesia, and a newly broken heart, Abigail finds herself with no choice but to return to Lochside. The supposedly idyllic home on the Isle of Skye she had fled so dramatically six years before.
And while struggling to find her way in a world she can’t recall, she must battle the conflicts of the present with the shocking secrets she uncovers from her past.
Jamie’s support is invaluable, but how much does he know? Greg is loving and attentive, but does he have an ulterior motive?
Meanwhile, the presence of a stranger on the island shakes Abigail to her very core. With no memory, she can only trust her instincts as she strives to build a life and a future she can call her own.
But Abigail soon discovers the stranger’s trail leads far too close to home.
A riveting novel about new beginnings and second chances.
Abigail Returns – Reviews…
So far, reviews for Abigail Returns have been either 4 or 5 Stars, and below is a selection of of those in so far.
From Aly at @twoladiesandabook (Reveiwers)
“From a serious incident that happened a decade ago, Abigail had dissociative amnesia. After catching her boyfriend cheating on her, he ups and leaves and goes back to her hometown, where it all started.
While trying to find her way, some locals recognise that she is back, but of course, Abigail has absolutely no idea who they are.
Then she meets Greg, and they hit it off quickly. Is Greg truly interested in Abigail, or does he have an ulterior motive.
Things quickly take a sinister turn.
I completely loved this book! I never, in a million years, expected the twist within this story. It was incredible and completely unexpected.
When it came to Jamie, I absolutely adored him, I admired the amount of respect that he had for Abigail and how patient he was.
It was very difficult to put down, I was completely consumed by it.
Well deserved five stars”
Handwritten Girl (Reviewer)
“I believe this is the second book that I’ve read by Pauline Tait and I have to admit I thoroughly enjoyed this story and found it quite hard to put down.
The story is primarily seen through the narrative of Abigail, who after having her heart broken leaves London and returns to her grandmother’s home. A house that’s been left derelict, she uses up what little money she has to make it into a home, with the help of a man called Jamie, a man who once had a very significant space in her life. But with having little memory, she doesn’t recall a chunk of her life. One day she meets Greg, the tiler and decides to tentatively give a relationship a go with him but doesn’t feel like it’s going anywhere until she realises that him and his family are from a former part of her life.
This mysterious story is a claustrophobic and intense thriller that really hooked me in, I thought the inclusion of the protagonist suffering from memory loss really added to the intensity and suspense of the story, as you’re unsure of how reliable a source she is. As the story progresses and Abigail’s life unravels, we see her grow in personality and confidence.
The writing in this story is also quite beautiful, descriptive and vivid in parts, Pauline really conjures up images of the small rural village and it’s close knit community as well as the progression in the house and how Abigail is turning it into a home.
A story of loss and second chances, ‘Abigail Returns’ is a heartfelt and tender story with a psychological undertone that made the book impossible to put down.”
K Todd (Amazon)
“Took this book on my holidays and absolutely loved it. Right from the start I was completely captured by the life of Abigail and what had happened to make her leave her home in Sky and what pulled her back. Could completely imagine the scenes sitting on the jetty trying to make her choices. Really liked the relationship with Jamie and couldn’t wait to find out what was to become of it. Page turner from the start with an ending full of twists and turns.”
She_Loves_To_Read (Instagram Reviewer)
“If you love a story filled with love, drama, romance, intrigue, suspense, criminality, twists, turns, surprises, new beginnings, second chances, and a satisfying conclusion. Then Abigail’s story is one for you.
I really loved Pauline’s style of writing, which made the book enjoyable and easy to read. So much so that I read it in one sitting.
It has a great pace, with an engaging storyline and believable and relatable characters.
The setting of the remote Scottish Highlands. Coupled with Pauline’s brilliant imagination and fabulous descriptions. Draws you into a point where you feel like you are there in
amongst it all.
A recommended read from me. I look forward to reading more from Pauline.”
Natural Bri (Reviewer)
“This is such an interesting story. I love that it is set in Scotland, especially on an island as beautiful as Skye. I also really enjoyed the authors writing and language style. It flowed so well and truly kept the story interesting and very engaging.
I liked the premise of the story, as it could happen to any of us. What would we do if we lost our memory? Where would we go and how would we interact with people we used to know? It’s such a tricky path to navigate and none of us could really know what we would do. We could still trust our gut though, couldn’t we?
I really liked the characters and the time the author put in to the development of them. It made the story very real and nice to connect with. I also found the flow of the story worked well with the story and the development.
Overall, a brilliant read and one I would likely read again.”
From Sharon at @twoladiesandabook (Reveiwers)
This was such a good easy quick read and perfect at the moment.
I wasn’t sure what was going on to start with as the back story unravels slowly which is just perfect and as it goes through I did feel for abigail. After a disastrous boyfriend and not knowing what to do now with her life I think she felt lost but she ends up returning to where she said she would never go again. But the story builds at a perfect pace.
I did not see some of the twists coming.
I just really enjoyed this book and would definitely read something by this author again if your going on holiday pack this with you and I’m sure you will enjoy it.
Sue Wallace (Reviewer)
“I did really enjoy this book. A quick read. I wasn’t sure about Abigail in the beginning but as I read she did warm to me. Jamie and Greg I didn’t trust. This is my first book by this author and I really enjoyed it. I loved how I could escape into the book and feel like I was there. 5*.”
Lis McDermott (Amazon)
Hooked from the very beginning.
“The opening of the story is intriguing. Particularly love the link between Agatha Christie and what Abigail is wearing.
As Abigail’s story unwinds, you are drawn in further. The characters are believable, and as the story progresses you also get pulled into Abigail unable to make the choice between Jamie and Greg.
A brilliant plot that plays out well, with a dramatic ending that is incredibly satisfying.
I particularly loved the description of the countryside all the way through the book. I want to visit the cottage on the Loch, and see and hear the things that Abigail experienced as she sat watching the sunsets.”
Book_A_Holic (Reviewer)
This was an unusually quick read as I started reading and then got completely immersed in Abigail’s world and couldn’t put this down.
I found the very beginning just slightly slow and hard to settle with, I think because I wasn’t too keen on Abigail at first. But once we got into the story and Abigail goes home to Skye, things move on at a much better pace.
The storyline was interesting but what grabbed me was the style of writing, bringing lots of emotions into the mix and that really endeared me to Abigail in the end.
The other characters were well written and thought out and I loved how I wasn’t really sure who to trust or how things were going to play out in the end.
I loved the setting of this too! I’m always intrigued by small island settings as the communities are always much tighter knit and add that sense of closeness, but creepiness.
A really enjoyable read and I’d be keen to explore other books by this author.
Have You Purchased Your Copy Yet
Available worldwide and from all good book shops (including your local independent book shops), Abigail Returns is available in paperback and on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited.